Game review: Call of Duty: Ghosts

Call of Duty: GhostsCall of Duty: Ghosts
Call of Duty: Ghosts
It’s out at last folks one of the biggest games of the year, Call of Duty: Ghosts, a rip roaring, rollercoaster of a game that not only stuns you with great action and cinematics but picks you up and slaps you around with its outstanding gameplay.

Gameplay is fluid and exciting, reminds me of a tom Clancy title actually with action sequences coming fast and furious, you don`t have time to get bored that’s for sure

The campaign is excellent and is the usual length for a Call of Duty title around 8 hours, there is much more variety in this game than previous outings with missions in space, underwater, jungles, cities, and vehicles including helicopters and tanks.

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Of course no Call of duty title would be complete without the multiplayer and infinity Award have introduced some nice new touches to this mode, the Create a soldier system allows players to create up to a possible 20,000 different configurations for their character.

Other multiplayer options include the usual’s, domination and kill confirmed bringing the total up to 13 with some really nice modes including Grind , cranked plus Extinction a mini campaign for up to 4 players where you take on a bunch of invading aliens worth checking out but a real challenge


What can I say Call of Duty: Ghosts is one of the most innovative titles yet to hit our consoles with excellent gameplay and outstanding on-line play, its everything we have come to expect from this franchise, If you are new to the franchise (where have you been?) then this is a great game to get started.

Call of Duty: Ghosts

Developers: Infinity Award

Publishers: Activision


Xbox 360

Xbox One

Playstation 3

Playstation 4

Genre: FPS Action

Release Date:5th November 2013

Gameplay: 5/5

Graphics: 5/5

Story: 5/5

Overall: 5/5

For the full review visit